Tarantino, Ranked

Tarantino, Ranked. Inglourious BasterdsPulp FictionOnce Upon A Time in HollywoodThe Hateful 8Reservoir DogsJackie BrownDjango UnchainedKill Bill Vol 2Kill Bill Vol 1Death Proof By Brian “Danger” Kane on Letterboxd, read more here
Tarantino, Ranked. Inglourious BasterdsPulp FictionOnce Upon A Time in HollywoodThe Hateful 8Reservoir DogsJackie BrownDjango UnchainedKill Bill Vol 2Kill Bill Vol 1Death Proof By Brian “Danger” Kane on Letterboxd, read more here
My Thoughts On The Franchise I think the very first thing worth mentioning here is that Harry Manfredini’s music is the MVP of the whole franchise and that cannot be overstated. The first 4 movies in this franchise are excellent.…
January isn’t always for movies…but sometimes it is. In no particular order, here are a few movies that were released in January of the year they came out that endured the harsh winter and proved to be worthwhile through their…