Tarantino, Ranked

Tarantino, Ranked. Inglourious BasterdsPulp FictionOnce Upon A Time in HollywoodThe Hateful 8Reservoir DogsJackie BrownDjango UnchainedKill Bill Vol 2Kill Bill Vol 1Death Proof By Brian “Danger” Kane on Letterboxd, read more here
Tarantino, Ranked. Inglourious BasterdsPulp FictionOnce Upon A Time in HollywoodThe Hateful 8Reservoir DogsJackie BrownDjango UnchainedKill Bill Vol 2Kill Bill Vol 1Death Proof By Brian “Danger” Kane on Letterboxd, read more here
January isn’t always for movies…but sometimes it is. In no particular order, here are a few movies that were released in January of the year they came out that endured the harsh winter and proved to be worthwhile through their…